Feb 25, 2011

Week 8: Presentation to John Paul, VP of SCAD Hong Kong


In a mad rush to present our concepts to the Vice President of SCAD Hong Kong, John Paul, we began churning out enough sketches to wallpaper Gulfstream Annex, as well as 1/3 scale pink foam models of our strongest designs. Needless to say, we didn't sleep for days on end. 

We took John Paul through our entire design process, starting with the research we conducted of SCAD's current transportation system, our brand identity of Greenhive, and the 3 personas we created as the design criteria for each team. 

John Paul was a transportation design enthusiast, and was thoroughly impressed with the amount of work we produced in a span of 8 weeks. With constructive feedback in regards to our research and design concepts, we walked away feeling proud of how much we had accomplished. 

But first, sleep!

Feb 17, 2011

Week 7: Proportional Prototype

Each team was responsible for creating a full scale proportional model based on most successful design from the 1/3 pink foam models. The teams used pink foam again and a variety of other materials for the construction.

Feb 16, 2011

Week 7: 1/3 scale pink foam models

After our sketching phase, we took the most successful ideas and constructed 1/3 scale mock-ups out of pink foam. These mock-ups were used to judge proportions and spatial relationships of different components.

Feb 11, 2011

Week 6: DesignWorks BMW Senior Designer Jirawat Jeamvigite visited

Midway through the ideation phase of Transportation Design, we were informed that Jirawat Jeamvigite, Senior Designer of DesignWorks BMW, would be coming to critique our sketch concepts. More sketching and sleepless nights ensued, with plenty of coffee, energy drinks and loud music to keep us going.

Our presentation to Jirawat went well. He was impressed with our dedication and drive to the project, and it even struck a nostalgic chord within him - he missed being caught up in the intensity of studio projects like this. However, in all of our haste to churn out good sketches, we had accidentally pushed the brand identity that we had spent nights creating - Greenhive - aside, and Jirawat gently reminded us not to forget that. It was important to include the emotional qualities of our brand identity in our designs, because it is those qualities that will make our vehicles stand out that much more.

The next day, some of us sat down with Jirawat for coffee for an informal designer tête à tête. Humble and truly down-to-earth, we were grateful to have been given the opportunity to make a great network connection with him.

Feb 8, 2011

Week 5: Concept development - Round 1 Sketching

We kicked off our ideation phase with the first of many sketch all-nighters to come. Getting back into sketching with copic markers, we printed out posters of images that would inspire us, and stuck together throughout the night to keep each other going. Critiques after each round of sketching pushed us to draw quicker, better and more efficiently, before we were allowed to move on to digital sketching in Round 2.

Feb 1, 2011

Week 4: Persona development

Week 4: Research - round 2

Three individual teams have been created, with each team being assigned a specific design criteria inspired by the 3 different personas that have been established.

Team One is composed of Jean, Michael, David, and Leighton. 

Team Two (Team Cinco) is composed of Gary, Sam, Avelina, and Cesar. 

Team Three (Mountain Top) is composed of Bruce, Danny, and Andrew.